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I was testing the fR subsurface scattering - and what would be a better example than grapes - Still Work in Progress, because i would love to make a nice picture with more sourroundings like leaves.
simmulating sunlight
[ view entry ] ( 406 views ) | permalink | ( 3 / 5129 )
A free HDRI Lightprobe Collection i've made with a friend long time ago, maybe usefull for somebody, for lighting and rough reflections
[ view entry ] ( 766 views ) | permalink | ( 3 / 7024 )
BMW Concept i've done in 2004, nothing official, and i hope bmw don't sue me one day for that - got 2005-2007 up to 10.000 visitors from Google to this page, so quite famous ^_^ - anyways i hope you will find the Making of interesting
[ view entry ] ( 1574 views ) | permalink | ( 3 / 7392 )
VW Concept i've done in 2005, nothing official i hope you will find the Making Of interesting
[ view entry ] ( 472 views ) | permalink | ( 3 / 7442 )
I decided to use the simplePHPblog system for my portfolio. It's free and quick and easy to use - and i hope i can publish in that way more often my tests, wip, work and making of.
The old gallerys are still accessable on the sidebar.
Benny Herudek
[ view entry ] ( 183 views ) | permalink | ( 2.9 / 7845 )